The modeling pastes of the monumental terracruda sculpture of the Silk Roads: Archaeometric study of the Tepe Narenj and Qol‐e‐tut examples (Kabul, Afghanistan)


López‐Prat Monica12ORCID,De Luca Raffaella3,Pecci Alessandra245,Mileto Simona4,Bandyopadhyay Sudipa Ray6,Bloise Andrea3,Guido Adriano3,Cipriani Mara3,Lancelotti Carla78,Carrascosa Begoña9,Noori Noor Agha10,Simón‐Cortés José‐Manuel9,Miriello Domenico311


1. Department of Arts and Conservation, Conservació ‐ Restauració del Patrimoni Research Group Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona Spain

2. Institut d'Arqueologia de la Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona Spain

3. Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Science University of Calabria Rende Italy

4. ERAAUB, Departament d'Història i Arqueologia Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona Spain

5. INSA‐UB, Institut de Recerca en Nutrició i Seguretat Alimentària de la Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona Spain

6. Department of Ancient Indian History and Culture University of Calcutta Calcutta India

7. CaSEs Research Group, Department of Humanities Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona Spain

8. ICREA Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies Barcelona Spain

9. Institut Universitari de Restauració del Patrimoni Universitat Politècnica de València València Spain

10. Archaeology Institute of Afghanistan Kabul Afghanistan

11. Collaborator of the Institut d'Arqueologia de la Universitat de Barcelona (IAUB) Barcelona Spain


AbstractThis paper presents the results of the mineralogical, petrographic and chemical study of different archaeological samples related to terracruda sculptures and other elements that were part of the architectural decoration of the Buddhist sites of Tepe Narenj and Qol‐e‐tut (Kabul, Afghanistan; fifth to 11th centuries CE). The main objective of the study was to characterize the samples using an archaeometric approach. The study helped to better understand the materials involved in the modeling of Afghan sculptures and their processing, such as the different nature of the clay layers and the finishing ‘stucco’ coating. The results further indicate that similarities exist among the manufacturing process of the studied samples and that used today by an ancient caste of clay artists in West Bengal (India), suggesting the existence of a continuous technological tradition that deserves to be further explored in the future.





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