1. Komarov Botanical Inst. of the Russian Academy of Science St Petersburg Russia
2. Inst. of Tropical Biology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
3. Graduate Univ. of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Cau Giay District Hanoi Vietnam
4. Silviculture Research Inst., Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, Duc Thang Bac Tu Liem Hanoi Vietnam
5. Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology Cau Giay Hanoi Vietnam
6. Quang Tri Center of Science and Technology, Mientrung Inst. for Scientific Research, VAST, Dien Bien Phu, Dong Ha Quang Tri Vietnam
7. Inst. of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology, Cau Giay Hanoi Vietnam
8. Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Univ., Inst. of Systematic Botany Munich Germany