1. Departments of Medical TechnologyFaculty of Health SciencesEhime Prefectural University of Health Sciences Tobe‐cho, Iyo‐gun Ehime Japan
2. Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and PathologyJA Suzuka General Hospital Suzuka Mie Japan
3. Department of Diagnostic PathologyToyama Red Cross Hospital Toyama City Toyama Japan
4. Department of NursingFaculty of Health SciencesEhime Prefectural University of Health Sciences Tobe‐cho, Iyo‐gun Ehime Japan
5. PCL Japan Pathology and Cytology CenterPCL Inc Saitama Japan
6. Department of Obstetrics and GynecologyFaculty of MedicineDokkyo Medical University Shimotsuga‐gun Tochigi Japan
7. Clinical Cytopathology ServiceIstituto Cantonale di Patologia Locarno Switzerland
8. Cancer Education and Research CenterOsaka University Graduate School of Medicine Osaka Japan