1. Conservation Science Group, Department of Zoology University of Cambridge Cambridge UK
2. School of Psychological Science University of Western Australia Crawley Western Australia Australia
3. Department of Psychology Lancaster University Lancaster UK
4. Carey Business School and the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering, A Joint Department of the Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Whiting School of Engineering Johns Hopkins University Baltimore Maryland USA
5. Department of Psychology, Social Decision‐Making Laboratory University of Cambridge Cambridge UK
6. Socio‐Ecological and Conservation Science Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat‐Sen University Guangzhou Guangdong China
7. Oxford Martin Program on the Illegal Wildlife Trade, Oxford University Oxford UK
8. Department of Zoology University of Oxford Oxford UK
9. TRAFFIC, The Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network Cambridge UK
10. Department of Economics Wake Forest University Winston‐Salem North Carolina USA
11. National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research, University of Queensland Brisbane Queensland Australia
12. Behaviour and Health Research Unit, University of Cambridge Cambridge UK
13. BioRISC, St. Catharine's College Cambridge UK