1. Donor Medicine Research, Sanquin Research Amsterdam The Netherlands
2. Department of Public and Occupational Health Amsterdam UMC Amsterdam The Netherlands
3. Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute Amsterdam UMC Amsterdam The Netherlands
4. Research and Development Finnish Red Cross Blood Service Helsinki Finland
5. Business Intelligence South African National Blood Service Johannesburg South Africa
6. Dienst voor het Bloed, Belgian Red Cross Ugent Ghent Belgium
7. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Ghent University Ghent Belgium
8. Research and Development Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Sydney Australia
9. Department of Biostatistics Erasmus MC Rotterdam The Netherlands
10. Department of Epidemiology Erasmus MC Rotterdam The Netherlands
11. Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands
12. L‐Biostat KU Leuven Leuven Belgium