Evidence-based guideline for the written radiology report: Methods, recommendations and implementation challenges


Goergen Stacy K,Pool Felicity J1,Turner Tari J2,Grimm Jane E3,Appleyard Mark N4,Crock Carmel5,Fahey Michael C6,Fay Michael F7,Ferris Nicholas J8,Liew Susan M9,Perry Richard D10,Revell Ann11,Russell Grant M12,Wang Shih-chang SC13,Wriedt Christian14


1. National University Hospital; Singapore

2. School of Population Health and Preventive Medicine; Monash University

3. Quality and Safety; The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

4. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

5. Emergency Department; Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital

6. Department of Paediatrics; Monash University

7. Cancer Care, Radiation Oncology; Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital; Brisbane; Queensland

8. Monash Biomedical Imaging; The Alfred

9. Orthopaedic Surgery; The Alfred

10. PRP Diagnostic Imaging; University of Sydney

11. Breast Cancer Network Australia; Perth; Western Australia; Australia

12. General Practice Research; School of Primary Health Care; Monash University

13. Diagnostic Radiology; University of Sydney; Sydney; New South Wales

14. IMED-MIA; Melbourne; Victoria




Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging,Oncology

Reference14 articles.

1. Stolberg H CAR Standard for Communication in Diagnostic Radiology Canadian Association of Radiologists 2001 http://www.cpso.on.ca/uploadedFiles/policies/guidelines/facilties/Diagnostic-Imaging_IHF.pdf

2. Quality improvement guidelines for the reporting and archiving of interventional radiology procedures;Omary;J Vasc Interv Radiol,2002

3. Quality of the written radiology report: a review of the literature;Pool;J Am Coll Radiol,2010

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