1. Department of Radiation Oncology Chi‐Mei Medical Center Tainan Taiwan
2. Institute of Biomedical Sciences National Sun Yat‐Sen University Kaohsiung Taiwan
3. Department of Pharmacy Chia‐Nan University of Pharmacy and Science Tainan Taiwan
4. Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal MedicineKaohsiung Medical University Hospital Kaohsiung Taiwan
5. Faculty of Medicine, College of Medicine Kaohsiung Medical University Kaohsiung Taiwan
6. Department of Radiation Oncology E‐Da Cancer Hospital Kaohsiung Taiwan
7. Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital Kaohsiung Taiwan
8. Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration National Yang‐Ming University Taipei Taiwan
9. School of Medicine National Yang‐Ming University Taipei Taiwan
10. Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Tri‐Service General Hospital Taipei Taiwan