1. Institute of Plant Physiology; Polish Academy of Sciences; Niezapominajek 21; 30-239; Krakow
2. Institute of Material Engineering; Cracow University of Technology; Warszawska 24; 31-155; Krakow
3. Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; Faculty of Biochemistry Biophysics and Biotechnology; Jagiellonian University; Gronostajowa 7; 30-387; Krakow
4. Pedagogical University of Krakow; Podchorazych 2; 30-084; Krakow; Poland
5. Laboratory of Cell Biology; Wageningen University; Droevendaalsesteeg 1; 6708 PB; Wageningen; the Netherlands
6. Department of Plant Genetics; Breeding and Biotechnology; Faculty of Horiculture and Landscape Architecture; Warsaw University of Life Sciences; Nowoursynowska 159; 02-776; Warszawa; Poland