The Unique and Important Jewish Responses to Proposition 8 and Marriage Equality


Reeder Terry Hawley1ORCID


1. Religious Studies & Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies The College of Wooster Wooster Ohio USA


ABSTRACTMarriage equality is a nascent and fragile civil right in the United States. To protect this civil right we must articulate and preserve diverse religious, ethical, and legal positions from the marriage equality debates. Sadly, and incorrectly, both the popular and scholarly narratives of religions' public role and ethics on marriage equality have been told with a Christocentric and “God versus Gay” framing. Here I push the borders of that frame to include the crucially important story of Judaism and the Prop 8 marriage equality debates. Judaism made and still makes vital and unique contributions to the battle for marriage equality: the majority of Jewish congregations and organizations are in favor of marriage equality, as opposed to the majority of Christianities which are against it. Judaism models diversity within the tradition, for example how to be opposed to same‐sex marriage but not expect that it will be illegal. Jewish positions on marriage equality in the public sphere model how the civil rights of marriage equality and religious liberty can coexist and thrive.



Reference34 articles.

1. The Marrying Kind?

2. Updated: Amicus Briefs in Support of the Proposition 8 Respondents & DOMA Respondent Edith Windsor;Borkowski K.;SCOTUS blog,2013

3. “Brief Amicus Curiae of National Association of Evangelicals et al. in Support of Prop 8 Proponents.”2013. No. 12‐144.‐content‐dev/docs/default‐source/documents/case‐documents/hollingsworth‐v.‐perry/hollingsworth‐v‐perry‐‐‐amicus‐brief‐faith‐communities.pdf?sfvrsn=8.

4. “Brief Amicus Curiae of the American Jewish Committee in Support of the Individual Respondents on the Merits.”2012. Nos. 12‐144 & 12‐307.‐content/uploads/2013/03/Marriage‐Cases‐AJC‐Brief‐Final.pdf.







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