1. Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital; London UK
2. Myeloma UK; Edinburgh UK
3. Department of Haematology; Heart of England NHS Trust Foundation; Birmingham UK
4. Department of Haematology; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trusts; Oxford UK
5. St Luke's Radiology; St Luke's Hospital; Oxford UK
6. Centre for Spinal Studies and Surgery; Queen's Medical Centre; Nottingham UK
7. Department of Haematology; Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital; Norwich UK
8. Trauma and Orthopaedics Department; Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust; Ipswich UK
9. Department of Haematology; Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundations Trust; Preston UK
10. Department of Haematology; Belfast City Hospital; Belfast UK
11. Department of Haematology; St Georges Hospital; London UK
12. Department of Haematology; Aberdeen Royal Infirmary; Aberdeen UK
13. St James’ Institute of Oncology; Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Leeds UK
14. Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundations Trust; Birmingham UK
15. Centre for Clinical Haematology; Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust; Nottingham UK
16. Spinal Unit; Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust; Oxford UK
17. Orthopaedic Suite; Woodend Hospital; Aberdeen UK
18. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery; Musgrove Park Hospital; Belfast UK
19. Academic Unit of Supportive Care; Department of Oncology; University of Sheffield; Sheffield UK
20. Department of Haematology; Northwick Park Hospital and Department of Haematology and Stem Cell Transplantation; Royal Free Hospital; London UK