1. 1New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Globalisation (2004) on Accessed on 18 April 2006 at http://www.mfat.govt.nz/support/tplu/tradematters/glossary.html
2. 2Wikipedia - The free encyclopaedia. Definition of Globalisation (2006) Accessed on 18 April 2006 at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalisation
3. 3W Fisher : The role of WIPO in addressing the health crisis in developing countries. Presented to the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue 2004. On http://www.tacd.org/events/wipo/w_fisher.ppt
4. 4WHO World Health Report 2003 : On http://www.who.Int/whr/2003/en/whr03_en.pdf. Accessed on 22 April 2006
5. Drug development for neglected diseases: a deficient market and a public-health policy failure