Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across Northern Europe


Lenoir Jonathan,Graae Bente Jessen1,Aarrestad Per Arild2,Alsos Inger Greve3,Armbruster W. Scott,Austrheim Gunnar4,Bergendorff Claes5,Birks H. John B.,Bråthen Kari Anne6,Brunet Jörg7,Bruun Hans Henrik8,Dahlberg Carl Johan9,Decocq Guillaume10,Diekmann Martin11,Dynesius Mats12,Ejrnaes Rasmus13,Grytnes John-Arvid14,Hylander Kristoffer9,Klanderud Kari,Luoto Miska15,Milbau Ann16,Moora Mari17,Nygaard Bettina13,Odland Arvid18,Ravolainen Virve Tuulia6,Reinhardt Stefanie18,Sandvik Sylvi Marlen19,Schei Fride Høistad,Speed James David Mervyn4,Tveraabak Liv Unn20,Vandvik Vigdis14,Velle Liv Guri21,Virtanen Risto22,Zobel Martin17,Svenning Jens-Christian23


1. Department of Biology; Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU; Trondheim; NO-7491; Norway

2. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research; PO Box 5685 Sluppen; Trondheim; NO-7485; Norway

3. Tromsø University Museum; Tromsø; NO-9037; Norway

4. Museum of Natural History and Archaeology; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Trondheim; NO-7491; Norway

5. Malmö Museer; Box 406; Malmö; SE-201 24; Sweden

6. Department of Arctic and Marine Biology; University of Tromsø; Tromsø; NO-9037; Norway

7. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Box 49; Alnarp; SE-23053; Sweden

8. Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate; Department of Biology; University of Copenhagen; Universitetsparken 15; Copenhagen; Ø DK-2100; Denmark

9. Department of Botany; Stockholm University; Stockholm; SE-106 91; Sweden

10. Ecologie et Dynamique des Systèmes Anthropisés (EA 4698); Plant Biodiversity Lab; Jules Verne University of Picardie; 1 rue des Louvels; Amiens; Cedex 1; FR-80037; France

11. Institute of Ecology FB 2; University of Bremen; Leobener Str.; Bremen; DE-28359; Germany

12. Department of Ecology and Environmental Science; Umeå University; Umeå; SE-901 87; Sweden

13. Biodiversity & Conservation; Department of Bioscience; Aarhus University; Grenåvej 14; Rønde; DK-8410; Denmark

14. Ecological & Environmental Change Research Group; Department of Biology; University of Bergen; PO Box 7803; Bergen; NO-5020; Norway

15. Department of Geosciences and Geography; University of Helsinki; Helsinki; FI-00014; Finland

16. Climate Impacts Research Centre; Department of Ecology and Environmental Science; Umeå University; Abisko; SE-98107; Sweden

17. Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences; University of Tartu; Tartu; EE-51005; Estonia

18. Telemark University College; Bø; NO-3800; Norway

19. Faculty of Engineering and Science; University of Agder; Service Box 422; Kristiansand; NO-4604; Norway

20. Department of Education; University of Tromsø; Tromsø; NO-9037; Norway

21. Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research; Fureneset; Hellevik; NO-6967; Norway

22. Department of Biology; University of Oulu; Oulu; FI-90014; Finland

23. Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity Group; Department of Bioscience; Aarhus University; Ny Munkegade 114; Aarhus C; DK-8000; Denmark




General Environmental Science,Ecology,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change

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