1. Department of Pharmacology‐Toxicology and Pharmacovigilance University Hospital of Angers Angers France
2. CRPV, CHU Lyon Lyon France
3. Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology Inserm 1111 CIRI, CHU Lyon Lyon France
4. French Investigators for Skin Adverse Reactions to Drugs (FISARD) group from the French Society of Dermatology Paris France
5. CRPV, CHRU Nancy Nancy France
6. CRPV Paris Pitié‐St Antoine, APHP Sorbonne Université Paris France
7. Department of Dermatology University Hospital of Angers Angers France
8. Department of Pneumology University Hospital of Angers Angers France
9. Univ Angers, Inserm, CNRS, MITOVASC, Equipe CarMe, SFR ICAT Angers France