1. First Department of Internal Medicine; University of Toyama; Toyama Japan
2. Community Medical Support Unit; Faculty of Medicine; University of Toyama; Toyama Japan
3. Department of Clinical Research; National Center for Global Health and Medicine; Tokyo Japan
4. Department of Internal Medicine; Asahi General Hospital; Asahi-machi Japan
5. Department of Internal Medicine; Kamiichi General Hospital; Kamiichi-machi Japan
6. Department of Internal Medicine; Saiseikai Toyama Hospital; Toyama Japan
7. Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism; Department of Internal Medicine; Saiseikai Takaoka Hospital; Takaoka Toyama Japan
8. Department of Internal Medicine; Shakaihoken Takaoka Hospital; Takaoka Toyama Japan
9. Department of Public Health; University of Toyama; Toyama Japan