1. ‘Howard Unveils Tory Asylum Plan’, BBC News online, 24 January 2005.
2. ‘Asylum Target “Too Ambitious”’, BBC News online, 18 September 2002; ‘Government to Miss Asylum Target’, BBC News online, 22 November 2005.
3. Chamber Judgment, ‘Saadi v. the United Kingdom’, ECtHR, 11 July 2006, press release issued by the Registrar; Joint Committee on Human Rights, The Treatment of Asylum Seekers: Tenth Report of Session 2006–07, London, JCHR, March 2007, p. 70.
4. Parliamentary Debates of the House of Commons, 20 November 1995, paragraph 338.
5. It should be noted that because of the slow processing of claims, the number of asylum determinations annually was also low. On the statistics, see Cohen, Frontiers of Identity, pp. 61 and 95.