Angiotensin deficient FVB/N mice are normotensive


Rodrigues André Felipe123ORCID,Todiras Mihail14,Qadri Fatimunnisa1,Alenina Natalia13,Bader Michael1356


1. Max‐Delbrück‐Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association Berlin Germany

2. Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy Free University of Berlin Berlin Germany

3. German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Partner Site Berlin Berlin Germany

4. Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau Moldova

5. Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Berlin Germany

6. Institute for Biology University of Lübeck Lübeck Germany


Background and PurposeAll previous rodent models lacking the peptide hormone angiotensin II (Ang II) were hypotensive. A mixed background strain with global deletion of the angiotensinogen gene was backcrossed to the FVB/N background (Agt‐KO), a strain preferred for transgenic generation. Surprisingly, the resulting line turned out to be normotensive. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the unique blood pressure regulation of FVB/N mice without angiotensin peptides.Experimental ApproachAcute and chronic recordings of blood pressure (BP) in freely‐moving adult mice were performed to establish baseline BP. The pressure responses to sympatholytic and sympathomimetic as well as a nitric oxide inhibitor and donor compounds were used to quantify the neurogenic tone and endothelial function. The role of the renal nerves on baseline BP maintenance was tested by renal denervation. Finally, further phenotyping was done by gene expression analysis, histology and measurement of metabolites in plasma, urine and tissues.Key ResultsBaseline BP in adult FVB/N Agt‐KO was unexpectedly unaltered. As compensatory mechanisms Agt‐KO presented an increased sympathetic nerve activity and reduced endothelial nitric oxide production. However, FVB/N Agt‐KO exhibited the renal morphological and physiological alterations previously found in mice lacking the production of Ang II including polyuria and hydronephrosis. The hypotensive effect of bilateral renal denervation was blunted in Agt‐KO compared to wildtype FVB/N mice.Conclusion and ImplicationsWe describe a germline Agt‐KO line that challenges all previous knowledge on BP regulation in mice with deletion of the classical RAS. This line may represent a model of drug‐resistant hypertension because it lacks hypotension.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft





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1. The contribution of the AT1 receptor to erythropoiesis;Biochemical Pharmacology;2023-11







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