An efficient hybrid extreme learning machine and evolutionary framework with applications for medical diagnosis


Al Bataineh Ali1ORCID,Jalali Seyed Mohammad Jafar2,Mousavirad Seyed Jalaleddin3,Yazdani Amirmehdi4,Islam Syed Mohammed Shamsul2,Khosravi Abbas5


1. Artificial Intelligence Center Norwich University Northfield Vermont USA

2. School of Computer Science Edith Cowan University Joondalup Western Australia Australia

3. Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering Mid Sweden University Sundsvall Sweden

4. School of Engineering and Energy Murdoch University Perth Western Australia Australia

5. Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI) Deakin University Waurn Ponds Victoria Australia


AbstractIntegrating machine learning techniques into medical diagnostic systems holds great promise for enhancing disease identification and treatment. Among the various options for training such systems, the extreme learning machine (ELM) stands out due to its rapid learning capability and computational efficiency. However, the random selection of input weights and hidden neuron biases in the ELM can lead to suboptimal performance. To address this issue, our study introduces a novel approach called modified Harris hawks optimizer (MHHO) to optimize these parameters in ELM for medical classification tasks. By applying the MHHO‐based method to seven medical datasets, our experimental results demonstrate its superiority over seven other evolutionary‐based ELM trainer models. The findings strongly suggest that the MHHO approach can serve as a valuable tool for enhancing the performance of ELM in medical diagnosis.




Artificial Intelligence,Computational Theory and Mathematics,Theoretical Computer Science,Control and Systems Engineering

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