1. Alternative Communities Trade in Vanuatu (ACTIV) 2009 ACTIV Financial Report 2008-2009
2. Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) 2006 Pacific 2020 - Challenges and Opportunities for Growth
3. AusAID 2008a Pacific Women in Private Sector Development - Country case studies http://www.ausaid.gov.au/research/pubout.cfm?ID=6831_4849_3357_2660_9133&FromSection=Research&type=All
4. AusAID 2008b Women in Business in Papua New Guinea: Key Findings from the October 2008 Scoping Study http://www.ausaid.gov.au/publications/pdf/pwpsd_png.pdf
5. AusAID 2008c Women in Business in the Solomon Islands: Key Findings from the April 2008 Scoping Mission http://www.ausaid.gov.au/publications/pdf/pwpsd_solomon.pdf