1. I. Bruce (1985 ), "The Sensitivity of ORANI 78 Projections to the Database Used",IMPACT Project ORANI PaperNo. OP-53, Melbourne, July.
2. P.B. Dixon, and B.R. Parmenter (1986 ), "Medium-Run Forecasts for the Australian Economy Using the ORANI Model", paper presented at the Third IIASA Task Force Meeting on Applied General Equilibrium Modelling, Laxenburg, Austria, August 1986 and at the 15th Conference of Economists, Monash University, August 1986. Available from the authors.
3. Peter B. Dixon, and B.R. Parmenter (1987 ), "Foreign Debt Stabilization and the Terms of Trade: Implications for Australia, end-1984 to end-1990", paper prepared for a public seminar: The Debt Crisis, Sydney, May.
4. P.B. Dixon, B.R. Parmenter, and M. Horridge (1986 ), "Forecasting versus Policy Analysis with the ORANI Model",IAESR Working PaperNo. 4/1986.