1. 1. Studies of conversions of cast-offs from conglomerates to co-operatives are excluded from this survey. We do this in part because of the belief that factors connected with the foundation of these P.C.s. such as the role of the state, mean that these are a qualitatively different set of P.C.s. Also the longitudinal analysis employed later when studying long-established P.C.s, past and present, cannot be used in evaluating recently established P.C.s. The Yugoslav economy-wide experience is also excluded; the focus is on P.C. sectors within capitalist economies.
2. 2. Space does not allow for reviewing all evidence on indicators from all studies. However, the broad conclusions arrived at here are believed to be supported by the available evidence for all indicators of performance.
3. 3. Principal sources of information for different P.C.s are listed in these references. See also the bibliographies contained therein.
4. 4. J.Vanek (ed.), Self-Management: Economic Liberation of Man, 1975, Penguin, pp. 13-16.