1. August 2005.Insertion 2007: On the 30thof December 2006, a 67 years old Spanish woman gave birth to twins.
2. During a talk show organised by the TVR1, in the evening of the 18thof January 2005. The Romanian television networks hosted several such debates: the weekly program on BITV ?Nasul? [?The Godfather?], during the same day, was dedicated to the ?Adriana Iliescu? case, and so was the show ?Miezul Problemei? [?The Core of the Matter?], at National TV, in the evening of the 19thof January 2005.
3. Cf. MEDIAFAX, 2ndof February 2005.
4. According to a statement of the Association of Women from Romania (Asocia?ia Femeilor din Romania) quoted in the media, ?we consider that the act of this woman [Adriana Iliescu] is selfish. The example set by her is temerarious, but it should remain an example only for women aged less than 45. (. . .) Each age has its physical force. Biologically, Adriana Iliescu does not have the necessary strength to raise and educate a child anymore. She has fulfilled a dream of hers and it is very good that the child she has is healthy. But we cannot encourage such practices? (Liliana Pagu, president of the association). According to the Foundation Equal Chances for Women (Funda?ia Sanse Egale pentru Femei), in the words of its director of public relations, ?[w]omen have the rights to choose whether or not to have children. In what regards Adriana Iliescu, in our opinion, the child will develop two types of major frustrations: firstly, because of the fact that she comes from a mono-parental family and, secondly, this little girl will distinguish between the age of her mother and that of the other children's mothers, with which she will be in contact. The little girl will suffer dramatically because of this difference, and as such will need social assistance?. Both declarations quoted in the ?Gardianul? newspaper, under the title ?Asocia?iile de femei, impotriva nasterii la varste inaintate? (?Women's associations, against the birth at advanced ages?). According to Aurora Liiceanu, writer and psychologist, ?any strategy related to maternity must be in the interest of the child, not in the interest of the parent. The child must be wanted by more than one person, and one must not offer children a frustrating environment, one does not have to think <> and that's it. (. . .) It is a typical case of selfishness?. As we can see these declarations combine all three objections (age, marital status, motivation).
5. New families, old values: considerations regarding the welfare of the child