1. T Bearden (2003 ) Online NewsHour: Conversation: Air Force . 3 April, http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/military/jan-june03/airforce_4-3.html (last accessed 29 June 2003)
2. G W Bush (2001 ) "Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People ". http://www.whitehouse.gov/ (last accessed 2 July 2003)
3. G W Bush (2003 ) "President Bush Addresses the Nation ". 19 March. http://www.whitehouse.gov/ (last accessed 2 July 2003)
4. G W Bush (2003 ) "Remarks at O'Hare Airport ", http://www.whitehouse.gov/ (lastaccessed 2 July 2003)