1. 1. Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers Associations, Cmnd. 3623, 1968. See especially Chapter VII, pp. 111, 112, 413-15.
2. 2. Fair Deal al Work, Conservative Political Centre, 1968.
3. 3. In Place of Strife: A Policy for Industrial Relations, Cmnd. 3888, H.M.S.O., London, 1968.
4. 4. For a description of the relevant part of the Act, see John Gennard and Roger Lasko , ‘Supplementary Benefit and Strikers’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, March 1974.
5. 5. By the time this article is published the Social Security Bill 1974 may have become law. The most important of the changes that would result would be the raising of the striker's disregard to £4.