From Visualization to Legal Design: A Collaborative and Creative Process


Berger-Walliser Gerlinde,Barton Thomas D.,Haapio Helena




Law,Business and International Management

Reference199 articles.

1. See Law in the Digital Age: How Visual Communication Technologies Are Transforming the Practice, Theory, and Teaching of Law ci & ech See than atsh aw in a igital orld than atsh he lectronic edia and the ransformation of aw

2. Leaping Language and Cultural Barriers with Visual Legal Rhetoric an rancisco ev see also Will Video Kill the Radio Star? Visual Learning and the Use of Display Technology in the Law School Classroom ll ech & ol'y Taking Images Seriously olum ev Visualization: Seeing Contracts for What They Are, and What They Could Become us & thics Lawyers as Designers, Engineers, and Innovators: Better Legal Documents Through Information Design and Visualization, in ransparency roceedings of the th nternational egal nformatics ymposium

3. supra Law Is Not or Must Not Be Just Verbal and Visual in the 21st Century: Toward Multisensory Law in ordic earbook of aw and nformatics nternationalisation of aw in the igital nformation ociety A Graphical User-Interface for Legal Texts? in ordic earbook of aw and nformatics - nternationalisation of aw in the igital nformation ociety supra Putting Some Product into Work-Product: Corporate Lawyers Learning from Designers erkeley us supra supra Visual Jurisprudence, ch ev Worth a Thousand Words: The Images of Copyright arv ev

4. supra

5. olin are isual hinking for esign Every Picture Tells a Story, Don't It? Wrestling with the Complex Relationship Among Photographs, Words and Newsworthiness in Journalistic Storytelling olum & rts Through a Glass Darkly: Using Brain Science and Visual Rhetoric to Gain a Professional Perspective on Visual Advocacy al nterdisc Visualizing the Law: Methods for Mapping the Legal Landscape and Drawing Analogies ash ev supra supra supra see also Painting the Law ardozo rts & nt Glimmerings of the Gallows: Representing the Holocaust in Film and Fiction efferson ev

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