New tree height allometries derived from terrestrial laser scanning reveal substantial discrepancies with forest inventory methods in tropical rainforests


Terryn Louise1ORCID,Calders Kim1ORCID,Meunier Félicien1ORCID,Bauters Marijn12ORCID,Boeckx Pascal2ORCID,Brede Benjamin3ORCID,Burt Andrew4,Chave Jerome5ORCID,da Costa Antonio Carlos Lola67,D'hont Barbara1ORCID,Disney Mathias89ORCID,Jucker Tommaso10ORCID,Lau Alvaro11ORCID,Laurance Susan G. W.12ORCID,Maeda Eduardo Eiji1314ORCID,Meir Patrick15ORCID,Krishna Moorthy Sruthi M.116ORCID,Nunes Matheus Henrique1417ORCID,Shenkin Alexander18ORCID,Sibret Thomas12ORCID,Verhelst Tom E.1ORCID,Wilkes Phil1920ORCID,Verbeeck Hans1ORCID


1. Q‐ForestLab, Department of Environment Ghent University Ghent Belgium

2. ISOFYS – Isotope Bioscience Laboratory, Department of Green Chemistry and Technology Ghent University Ghent Belgium

3. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam Germany

4. Sylvera Ltd London UK

5. Laboratoire Evolution and Biological Diversity (EDB), CNRS/IRD/UPS Toulouse France

6. Geociencias Federal University of Para Belem State of Para Brazil

7. Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Belem State of Para Brazil

8. UCL Department of Geography London UK

9. NERC National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO‐UCL) Swindon UK

10. School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol Bristol UK

11. Laboratory of Geo‐Information Science and Remote Sensing Wageningen University Wageningen Gelderland the Netherlands

12. Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science and College of Science and Engineering James Cook University Cairns Australia

13. Finnish Meteorological Institute, FMI Helsinki Finland

14. Department of Geosciences and Geography University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland

15. School of Geosciences University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK

16. Department of Biology University of Oxford Oxford UK

17. Department of Geographical Sciences University of Maryland College Park Maryland USA

18. School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems Northern Arizona University Flagstaff Flagstaff Arizona USA

19. Department of Geography University College London London UK

20. NERC National Centre for Earth Observation Leicester UK


AbstractTree allometric models, essential for monitoring and predicting terrestrial carbon stocks, are traditionally built on global databases with forest inventory measurements of stem diameter (D) and tree height (H). However, these databases often combine H measurements obtained through various measurement methods, each with distinct error patterns, affecting the resulting H:D allometries. In recent decades, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) has emerged as a widely accepted method for accurate, non‐destructive tree structural measurements. This study used TLS data to evaluate the prediction accuracy of forest inventory‐based H:D allometries and to develop more accurate pantropical allometries. We considered 19 tropical rainforest plots across four continents. Eleven plots had forest inventory and RIEGL VZ‐400(i) TLS‐based D and H data, allowing accuracy assessment of local forest inventory‐based H:D allometries. Additionally, TLS‐based data from 1951 trees from all 19 plots were used to create new pantropical H:D allometries for tropical rainforests. Our findings reveal that in most plots, forest inventory‐based H:D allometries underestimated H compared with TLS‐based allometries. For 30‐metre‐tall trees, these underestimations varied from −1.6 m (−5.3%) to −7.5 m (−25.4%). In the Malaysian plot with trees reaching up to 77 m in height, the underestimation was as much as −31.7 m (−41.3%). We propose a TLS‐based pantropical H:D allometry, incorporating maximum climatological water deficit for site effects, with a mean uncertainty of 19.1% and a mean bias of −4.8%. While the mean uncertainty is roughly 2.3% greater than that of the Chave2014 model, this model demonstrates more consistent uncertainties across tree size and delivers less biased estimates of H (with a reduction of 8.23%). In summary, recognizing the errors in H measurements from forest inventory methods is vital, as they can propagate into the allometries they inform. This study underscores the potential of TLS for accurate H and D measurements in tropical rainforests, essential for refining tree allometries.


Belgian Federal Science Policy Office

Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds UGent









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