1. Alberta (2002 ) "Legislation Addresses Needs of Albertans in Committed Interdependent Relationships," May 7, 2002 .
2. British Columbia. Ministry of Health Services. Vital Statistics Agency (2003 ) "How to Get Married in British Columbia." Available at http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/marriage/howto.html.
3. Canada Department of Justice (2002 ) Marriage and Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Unions. November. Available at http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/pub/mar/.
4. Canada Department of Justice (2004 ) Fact Sheet: Reference to the Supreme Court of Canada on Civil Marriage and the Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Unions. Available at http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/news/fs/2004/doc_31110.html
5. CBC News (2003 ) "Ontario Men Wed Following Court Ruling" CBC News 13 June. Available at http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/06/10/ont_samesex030610.