1. Department of Digestive Diseases Section of Hepatology La Fe University Hospital Valencia Spain
2. CIBERehd Instituto de Salud Carlos III Madrid Spain
3. Department of Anesthesia Hospital Clínic Barcelona Spain
4. CIBERES Instituto de Salud Carlos III Madrid Spain
5. Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust London UK
6. Toronto General Hospital University of Toronto Canada
7. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille France
8. Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine Royal Free Hospital London UK
9. Division of Surgery & Interventional Science University College London UK
10. Clinical Service of HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation Royal Free Hospital London UK
11. Centre Hépato‐Biliaire APHP Hôpital Paul‐Brousse Université Paris‐Saclay UMR‐S 1193 INSERM FHU Hepatinov Villejuif 94800 France