Conservation status of freshwater mussels in Europe: state of the art and future challenges


Lopes-Lima Manuel12,Sousa Ronaldo13,Geist Juergen4,Aldridge David C.5,Araujo Rafael6,Bergengren Jakob7,Bespalaya Yulia8,Bódis Erika9,Burlakova Lyubov10,Van Damme Dirk11,Douda Karel12,Froufe Elsa1,Georgiev Dilian13,Gumpinger Clemens14,Karatayev Alexander10,Kebapçi Ümit15,Killeen Ian16,Lajtner Jasna17,Larsen Bjørn M.18,Lauceri Rosaria19,Legakis Anastasios20,Lois Sabela21,Lundberg Stefan22,Moorkens Evelyn16,Motte Gregory23,Nagel Karl-Otto24,Ondina Paz21,Outeiro Adolfo21,Paunovic Momir25,Prié Vincent2627,von Proschwitz Ted28,Riccardi Nicoletta19,Rudzīte Mudīte29,Rudzītis Māris30,Scheder Christian14,Seddon Mary2,Şereflişan Hülya31,Simić Vladica32,Sokolova Svetlana8,Stoeckl Katharina4,Taskinen Jouni33,Teixeira Amílcar34,Thielen Frankie35,Trichkova Teodora36,Varandas Simone37,Vicentini Heinrich38,Zajac Katarzyna39,Zajac Tadeusz39,Zogaris Stamatis40


1. Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR/CIMAR), University of Porto; Rua dos Bragas 289 4050-123 Porto Portugal

2. IUCN SSC Mollusc Specialist Group; c/o 219 Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0DL U.K.

3. Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CMBA), University of Minho; Campus de Gualtar 4710-057 Braga Portugal

4. Aquatic Systems Biology Unit, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management; Technische Universität München; Mühlenweg 22 85350 Freising Germany

5. Aquatic Ecology Group, Department of Zoology; University of Cambridge; Downing Street Cambridge CB2 3EJ U.K.

6. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales-CSIC; C/José Gutiérrez Abascal 2 28006 Madrid Spain

7. Water Unit, County Administration Board Jönköping; SE-551 86 Jönköping Sweden

8. Institute of Ecological Problems of the North of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences; 163000 Arkhangelsk Russia

9. MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Danube Research Institute; Jávorka S. u. 14 2131 Göd Hungary

10. Great Lakes Center, Buffalo State College; 1300 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo NY 14222 U.S.A.

11. Research Unit Palaeontology; Geological Institute, Universiteit Gent; Krijgslaan 281 (S8-B) B-9000 Gent Belgium

12. Department of Zoology and Fisheries; Faculty of Agrobiology Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague; Kamycka 129 Prague CZ 165 Czech Republic

13. Department of Ecology and Environmental Conservation; University of Plovdiv; Tzar Assen Str. 24 BG-4000 Plovdiv Bulgaria

14. Consultants in Aquatic Ecology and Engineering (Technisches Büro für Gewässerökologie) - Blattfisch; Gabelsbergerstraße 7 4600 Wels Austria

15. Biology Department of Art and Science Faculty, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University; Burdur Turkey

16. 123, Rathdown Park, Greystones County Wicklow Ireland

17. Department of Zoology, Division of Biology; Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb; Rooseveltov trg 6 HR-10000 Zagreb Croatia

18. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA); PO Box 5685 Sluppen NO-7485 Trondheim Norway

19. CNR ISE - Institute of Ecosystem Study; Largo Tonolli 50 28922 Verbania Italy

20. Zoological Museum, Department of Biology; University of Athens; Athens Greece

21. Departamento de Zooloxía e A.F.; Fac. Veterinaria, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC); 27002 Lugo Spain

22. Swedish museum of Natural History; PO Box 50007 SE-104 05 Stockholm Sweden

23. CRNFB - Centre de Recherche de la Nature, des Forêts et du Bois; Gembloux Belgium

24. Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt, Abteilung Marine Zoologie/Sektion Malakologie; Senckenberganlage 25 60325 Frankfurt/Main Germany

25. Institute for Biological Research ‘Sinisa Stankovic’, University of Belgrade; 142 Bulevar despota Stefana 11000 Belgrade Serbia

26. Equipe ‘Exploration de la Biodiversité’, USM 603/UMR 7138 ‘Systématique, Adaptation, Evolution’, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle; Case Postale 51, 55, Rue Buffon 75231 Paris Cedex 05 France

27. iotope; 22 Bd Maréchal Foch 34 140 Mèze France

28. Göteborg Natural History Museum, Invetebrate Zoology; Box 7283 402 35 Göteborg Sweden

29. Museum of Zoology, University of Latvia; Kronvalda Bulv. 4 Rīga LV-1586 Latvia

30. Museum of Geology, University of Latvia; Alberta 10 Rīga LV-1010 Latvia

31. Faculty of Marine Sciences and Technology, Mustafa Kemal University; 31200 İskenderun Hatay Turkey

32. Department of Hydroecology and Water Protection; Faculty of Science, Institute of Biology and Ecology, University of Kragujevac; 34000 Kragujevac Serbia

33. Department of Biological and Environmental Science; University of Jyväskylä; PO Box 35 (YAC-315.2) FI-40014 Jyväskylä Finland

34. CIMO - Mountain Research Centre, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança; Campus de Santa Apolónia, Apartado 1172 5301-854 Bragança Portugal

35. Natur & Ëmwelt/Fondation Hëllef fir d'Natur; Kierchestrooss 2 L-9753 Heinerscheid Luxembourg

36. Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; 2 Gagarin Str. Sofia 1113 Bulgaria

37. CITAB - Centre for Research and Technology of Agro-Environment and Biological Sciences; Forestry Department, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro; Apartado 1013 5001-811 Vila Real Portugal

38. Gewässerökologie Wasserschöpfi; 48 8055 Zurich Switzerland

39. Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences; 31-120 Kraków Mickiewicza 33 Poland

40. Hellenic Centre For Marine Research - Institute of Marine Biological Sciences and Inland Waters; 46, 7 km Athens-Sounio Anavissos Attiki Greece


The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)



The Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection

Department of Nature Conservation, The Federal Government of Upper Austria

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Republic of Belarus, Belarusian Committee of Ecology

Belarussian State University

Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Belarus

The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia

State Institute for Nature Protection

The Czech Science Foundation


Biotope Consultancy

NCN, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Russian Foundation for Basic Research

The Ural Branch of RAS

President of the Russian Federation




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Reference267 articles.

1. Unionid bivalves of the Pilica river catchment area;Abraszewska-Kowalczyk;Folia Malacologica,2002

2. Albrecht , C. Bodon , M. Cianfanelli , S. Giusti , F. Manganelli , G. 2011 Microcondylaea bonellii . IUCN red list of threatened species

3. The morphology, growth and reproduction of Unionidae (Bivalvia) in a Fenland waterway;Aldridge;Journal of Molluscan Studies,1999

4. The impacts of dredging and weed cutting on a population of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae);Aldridge;Biological Conservation,2000

5. Conservation of freshwater unionid mussels in Britain;Aldridge;Journal of Conchology,2004

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