1. (1) V. L. Granatstein and I. Alexeff : High-Power Microwave Sources, Chaps.13-14, Artech House, Boston London (1987)
2. (2) J. Benford and J. Swegle : High-Power Microwaves, Chap. 9, Artech House, Boston London (1992)
3. Electron beam behavior in an axially-extracted virtual cathode oscillator
4. (4) M. Yatsuzuka, M. Nagakawa, S. Nobuhara, D. Young, and O. Ishihara : "Effect of Plasma Formation on Electron Pinching and Microwave Emission in a Virtual Cathode Oscillator", Proc. 10th Inter'l Conf. on High Power Particle Beams, P-1-80, Prague (1996)
5. Plasma effects on electron beam focusing and microwave emission in a virtual cathode oscillator