1. (1) Investigating R&D Committee on drive circuits and control technologies for permanent magnetic motors and reluctance motors: “Drive circuit and control technologies for permanent magnetic motors and reluctance motors”, Technical Report No. 1034 (2005) (in Japanese)
2. 永久磁石電動機・リラクタンスモータの駆動回路・制御技術の研究開発動向調査専門委員会:「永久磁石電動機,リラクタンストルクの駆動回路技術と制御技術」, 電学技報, 第1034号(2005)
3. (2) Investigating R&D Committee on Next Generation Control Technology for Advanced Motors: “Control Techniques of Advanced Motors for Next Generation”, Technical Report No. 1237 (2011) (in Japanese)
4. 電動機開発動向を踏まえた次世代電動機制御技術調査専門委員会:「進化する電動機に対応する電動機制御技術」, 電学技報, 第1237号(2011)
5. (3) Investigating R&D Committee on Improvement of Small Motors and Control Technology of It: “Improvement of Small Motors and Control Technology of It”, Technical Report No. 1321 (2014) (in Japanese)