1. (1) Subcommittee for Transmission Lines, Lightning Protection Design Committee: “Guide to lightning protection design for transmission lines”, CRIEPI Report, No. T72 (2003) (in Japanese)
2. 耐雷設計委員会送電分科会: 「送電線耐雷設計ガイド」, 電中研総合報告, No. T72 (2003)
3. (2) Subcommittee for Power Stations and Substations, Lightning Protection Design Committee: “Guide to lightning protection design of power stations, substations and underground transmission lines”, CRIEPI Report, No. T40 (1995) (in Japanese)
4. 耐雷設計委員会発変電分科会: 「発変電所および地中送電線の耐雷設計ガイド」, 電中研総合報告, No. T40 (1995)
5. (3) Subcommittee for Power Distribution Systems, Lightning Protection Design Committee: “Guide of lightning protection design for power distribution lines”, CRIEPI Report, No. T69 (2002) (in Japanese)