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2. (3) K. Nakagawa, T. Goda, K. Yukita, Y. Goto, and K. Ichiyanagi: “Study on the response of the reactive power control and islanding detection relay”, The Papers of Joint Technical Meeting on Power Engineering & Power System Engineering, IEE Japan, PE-15-92/PSE-15-114 (2015-9) (in Japanese)
3. (4) N. Kanao and S. Komami: “Mechanism and Countermeasure of Hunting caused by Anti-islanding Scheme using Frequency-feedback Method of Photovoltaic Generation”, IEEJ Trans. PE, Vol. 137, No. 7, pp. 546-554, (2017-7) (in Japanese)
4. (5) K. Sano, N. Okada, K. Shirasaki, and H. Iwatsuki: “Criterion for continuous oscillation of reactive power caused by the frequency feedback method with step injection of reactive power”, The Papers of Joint Technical Meeting on Power Engineering & Power System Engineering, IEE Japan, PE-17-86/PSE-17-86, pp. 61-69 (2017-9) (in Japanese)