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2. (5) A. Iga, H. Yamamoto, H. Suzuki, K. Ishihara, and Y. Mita:“Development of Simulation Program of Electric Power Generated by PV System Using New I-V Curve Construction Method”, 1994 Japan Industry Application Society Conference, PE-11 (1994)
3. (6) A. Iga: “Construction and Application of I-V Curves Using Voltage-Current Characteristic Equations under Irradiated Conditions of Photovoltaic Cells”, T. IEE Japan, Vol. 116-D, No. 10, pp. 1001-1009 (1996-10) (in Japanese)
4. (8) A. Iga: “A Study 0n 40kW Photovoltaic Generation System”, 2000 National Convention Record IEE Japan, No. 7-215 (2000-3) (in Japanese)
5. (9) A. Iga and T. Kaneko: “Research of an Evaluation Method of Photovoltaic Output and Generated Energy Connected in the field”, 13th Annual Conference of Power Energy Society, IEE Japan, Vol. A, No. 22, pp. 146-150 (2002-8) (in Japanese)