1. (2) ????:??????????, ?????, ?????????,pp.135-143 (1991)
2. (3) Sectional Committee for Distribution Lines, Lightning Protection Design Study Committee: “Lightning Protection Design Guide-Book for Distribution Lines”, CRIEPI Report, Research Report No.175030, pp.48-52 (1976)(in Japanese)
????????? ??????:???????????????,?????, ???? No.175030, pp.48-52 (1976)
3. (4) T. Suyama, S. Kawanishi, and T. Yokota: “On Arc Burn-out Faults Phenomena of Insulated Distribution Lines and Burn-out Detection”, CRIEPI Report, Research Report, No.177068, p.2 (1978) (in Japanese)
?? ????????? ?:?????????????????????????, ?????, ???? No.177068, p.2 (1978)