Tuberculosis is a leading health problem worldwide, with India accounting for the majority of cases. Owing to the diverse clinical presentation and paucibacillary nature of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, it is tough to diagnosis by routine microbiological methods. Newer chip/cartridge based nucleic amplification tests (NAATs) like Truenat and Xpert have proved to be game changer in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, role of Truenat in extrapulmonary tuberculosis is still to be evaluated. This study was undertaken to evaluate the diagnostic yield of truant in various extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The study was conducted during 01 June 2021 to 31 July 2022. Of the total 1481 samples received during study, 761 (52%) were extrapulmonary samples. The highest yield of 36% was found in pus aspirate, followed by a 12% yield in pleural fluid. Overall yield of 12% in various extrapulmonary samples is encouraging. Further studies are required for evaluating Truenat role in rapid diagnosis of EPTB and rifampicin resistance detection for better patient care.
Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
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