1. 1) Bass, C.C.: The necessary personal oral hyglene for prevention of caries and periodontoclasia, New Orleans M. & S. J., 101: 52, 1948.
2. 2) Leber, T. and Rottenstem, J.B.: Investigations on Caries of the Teeth, Berlin, 1868. Translated by Chandler, T.H., Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston, 1873.
3. 3) Wedl, C.: The Pathology of the Teeth. (Original German Edition, 1870) Translated by Boardman, W. E., Philadelphia, Linday and Blakiston, 1872.
4. 4) Miller, W.D.: Further contributions on the subject of dental caries, Independent Practitioner, 4: 301, 1883.
5. 5) Miller, W.D.: Microorganisms of the Human Mouth. Philadelphia, S.S. White Publishing Company, 1890.