1. Department of Industry of the Voronezh Region
2. Voronezh state university
3. Voronezh state technical university
4. JSC Polus
A conceptual approach to attracting investment in the Voronezh region, which is characterized by taking into account the peculiarities of the region in the social, economic, geopolitical areas of activity, is proposed. The analysis and assessment of existing resources for economic growth: human resources, geographical location of the region, raw materials and natural resources, provision of the region with engineering resources. The basic principles of creating an export-oriented economy are formulated: support for domestic manufacturers operating in accordance with international quality standards; deepening the degree of processing of raw materials supplied to the international market; Attraction of investments in the sphere of production. In the context of the sanctions geopolitical situation, the need for an aggressive concept to attract investment in the region's economy has been substantiated. In this aspect, a comparative analysis of the state of the economy of the Voronezh region and other regional economies was carried out. The ways of solving problems related to attracting investments to the region, based on the principle of attracting the Big Four companies (Ernst & Young, Delloite & Touche, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCooper) to the development of the concept of regional investment policy on outsourcing terms, are shown.The solutions found are indirectly verified using the example of investment management experience at the state level (the experience of the PRC). The positive experience of increasing the investment attractiveness obtained in the course of the organizational and administrative activities of the authors in the management of Concern Sozvezdie OJSC has been taken into account and developed.
FSBEI HE Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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