The influence of the marine environment on the properties of clothestextile materials for clothing


Cherunova I. V.1,Korinteli A. M.1,Stenkina M. P.1,Lesnikova T. Yu.1


1. Don state technical university


The article presents data on the influence of the marine environment on textile materials. Aggressive components of the marine environment that contact the surface of clothing (sea salt and oil) are justified. Sea salt is an integral part of seawater. It accumulates in the clothing structure. Oil is included in the components of seawater in emergency situations at offshore oil and petroleum products and sea transport facilities. This leads to a change in the properties of textile materials, which depend on the concentration of aggressive components in the structure of textile materials. The active concentration of aggressive components in textiles is determined by its ability to absorb liquid. Specific features of changing the volume of various textile fibers during interaction with liquids are established. Structure of sea salt and the chemical composition of oil. This determines the change in the properties of the textile in contact with them. The structure of sea salt and the chemical composition of oil is justified. This determines the change in the properties of textiles. As a result of the systematization of modern data on clothing materials that are used in marine technology, the information base of the leading modern fibrous materials for protective clothing was formed. The reference materials for research are allocated. It was found that the presence of sea salt in a moist contact medium with a surface of a special fabric on a cotton basis for all samples of materials led to a decrease in their capillarity. It has been established that packages of materials based on mixed-fiber fabrics have permeability parameters with respect to crude oil below the cotton garment surfaces. The application in combination with such materials of holofiber insulation reduces the level of saturation of clothing with the liquids examined. The article presents experimental data on the permeability of sea water and oil in special materials for clothing. The work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the Don State Technical University within the framework of the State task 2017-2019 under the project No. 11.9194.2017/БЧ.


FSBEI HE Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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