Analysis and ranging of the factors of formation and development of innovative behaviour in organizations


Sabetova T. V.1,Ponomarenko M. V.2


1. Voronezh State Agricultural University

2. Stavropol State Agricultural University


The article considers t the problem of determination of the degree of influence of a number of factors on formation of innovative behavior of employees and their groups in organizations. According to the authors’ opinion, innovative activity of employees requires, on the one hand, their own abilities and motivation, and on the other hand, readiness of the organization and provision of necessary resources for employees both for creation and implementation of ideas and projects. The authors do not deny the influence of the national business culture on the features of innovative behavior and point out the need to take into account these features. However, they deny the existence of national features that obviously make innovation development of one country easier than others, and therefore consider the experience of different countries worthy of study, but at the same time its implementation is considered possible only after a critical rethinking for existing conditions. The authors point out that innovative behavior of employees is formed under the influence of factors that can be conditionally divided into those dependent and independent of management actions, the former being of particular interest due to the possibility of controlling them. Among them the following groups of factors are identified: (i) related to the peculiarities of management style; (ii) characteristics of the workplace and job responsibilities; (iii) factors related to interpersonal and intergroup relations, and (iv) organizational factors. The influence of the key factors of each group was analyzed and evaluated either from the standpoint of positive or negative impact on the formation of innovative behavior, or from the position of the strength of influence. Based on the experience of Chinese colleagues, a comparative ranking of the factors that determine the innovativeness of behavior was carried out, in terms of their significance. At the same time, the similarity of the factors determining the innovativeness of the behavior of employees in Chinese and Russian companies was revealed, but significant differences in the degree of such influence were detected. As a result, the authors’ named key success factors in the formation of innovative behavior of the staff: (i) support from the company’s management; (ii) availability of resources of all types; (iii) system of labour remuneration; (iv) composition and structure of the team, and (v) cooperation.


FSBEI HE Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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