Import substitution strategies in the global economy: lessons for Russia


Subhonberdiev A. Sh.1,Shevchenko A. N.2


1. Voronezh state forest engineering University

2. Investment and strategic projects Agency of the Voronezh region government


The world experience of implementation of import substitution strategy is being studied; reveals the essence of the main models; Identify those aspects that will prove useful in modern Russian conditions. The development of import-substituting industries according to the intra-oriented strategy is carried out in order to develop exclusively the domestic market of the country. From the point of view of the national economy, this strategy leads to the preservation of the backlog, primarily in the field of technological and scientific-technical cooperation and prevents the emergence of industries in the economy-locomotives that can ensure the world level of progress. The use of this model of import substitution has become a determining trend in the development of the so-called new industrial countries (NIS).The intra-oriented strategy of import substitution plays a stimulating role in creating a diversified national economy, expanding the production of important goods on its own. The conceptual basis for the implementation of this strategy was the theory of the peripheral economy, developed by a group of Latin American scientists headed by the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission. According to this concept, the demand for products. The use of the designated model of import substitution has become a trend of development of the so-called new industrial countries of Latin America. Another option for the implementation of import substitution policy can be a strategy of foreign-oriented import substitution, which is characterized by the achievement of structural changes in the economy through the replacement of imported components and parts in export products. Implementation of import-substituting policy, according to this model, involves the development of production of national goods on a sufficiently large domestic market, followed by their promotion on the world market.


FSBEI HE Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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