1. Balykhin M.G., Borzov A.B., Blagoveshchensky I.G. Methodological foundations for the creation of expert systems for monitoring and predicting the quality of food products using intelligent technologies. Moscow, Frantera, 2017. 338 p. (in Russian).
2. Blagoveshchensky V.G. and others. Development of an expert quality control system in the process of making halva. Living systems and biological safety of the population: collection of materials of the XV international scientific conference of students and young scientists. 2017. pp. 132-137. (in Russian).
3. Blagoveshchensky V.G. et al. Development of a hardware and software complex for monitoring halva production. Development of the food and processing industry in Russia: personnel and science. 2017. pp. 196-199. (in Russian).
4. Balykhin M.G., Borzov A.B., Blagoveshchensky I.G. Architecture and the basic concept of creating an intelligent expert system for quality control of food products. Food Industry. 2017. no. 11. pp. 60 - 63. (in Russian).
5. Kharitonova P.N., Karelina E.B., Blagoveshchensky V.G., Kleho D.Yu. et al. Implementation of the digital twin of management in technological production. In the collection: Intelligent systems and technologies in the food industry: collection of conference materials. 2019. pp. 171–180. (in Russian).