The article presents the results of conceptual modeling of the database of thematicgeospatial data for the primary accounting of cadastral information. Lands of the nature reserve fundhave a special nature conservation value. According to the results of accounting, survey andinventory of natural complexes, assessment of the state of nature reserve facilities form "Cards ofprimary accounting of territories and objects of nature reserve fund of Ukraine". Other documentsof the cadastre of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund are created by generalizing thedata of these cards. Nizhnosulsky National Nature Park was created to preserve valuable natural andhistorical-cultural complexes and objects of the Middle Dnieper. It covers an area of 18,635.11hectares. The rare fraction of the park's flora includes 13 species of vascular plants, including 10species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The Green Book of Ukraine includes 9 formations foundin the park. In the park, taking into account the value of natural complexes and objects, there arefour functional zones: protected area; regulated recreation; inpatient recreation; economic. Basedon the results of the analysis of the resources of the Nizhnosulsky National Nature Park and thecadastre of the nature reserve fund as an object of informatization, a conceptual scheme of thethematic geospatial database was compiled. The set of basic spatial data of such a system is proposedto include information on coordinate and altitude systems, administrative-territorial units, territorialcommunities, hydrographic objects and hydraulic structures, settlements, buildings and structures,roads, railways, utilities, soils, land plots, geographical names, relief, orthophotos. The set ofthematic data should include information on NPF objects, their functional zoning, land plots and lands, owners and users of land plots, economic activities, landscapes, rare types of environments,conservation objects, recreational value, as well as rare species of plants and animals. According tothe research results, a UML-diagram of the conceptual model of the thematic geospatial database ofGIS of the primary accounting of the cadastre of the nature reserve fund was created.
Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
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