Surface chemistry and flotation properties of galena and pyrite particles in the presence of xanthate- monothiophosphate- thiocarbamate collectors


Ercelik Gokhan,Terzi Mert,Kursun Ilgin,Ozdemir OrhanORCID


In this study, surface chemistry and flotation properties of the gold-bearing galena and pyrite minerals of Menderes region, Izmir, Turkey were investigated with the use of xanthate-thiocarbamate-monothiophosphate collectors. In this context, the micro-flotation experiments, the zeta potential, and bubble-particle attachment time measurements were conducted in the presence of Thiophosphate (Aero S-8045), Xanthate (SIBX), and Thiocarbamate (Aero float MX-505) collectors. In the case of micro-flotation experiments, the MX-505 exhibited higher flotation efficiency for both minerals compared to SIBX and S-8045 collectors. In the case of zeta potential experiments as a function of pH, the galena mineral showed a negative charge at pH 5 and 11, no point of zero charge (pzc) was determined, and the pzc of pyrite was determined as pH≈8. The bubble-particle attachment time experiments performed in the presence of S-8045, SIBX, and MX-505 collectors indicated that the attachment efficiency was 100% in the presence of MX-505 at all dosages and contact times. These results revealed that there was an extraordinarily strong interaction between the galena/pyrite and the air bubbles in the presence of MX-505. The results obtained within this study indicated that galena and pyrite minerals showed inherently low natural floatability which can only be enhanced under specific conditions. In the tests conducted on these minerals, galena mineral showed higher natural floatability compared to pyrite mineral, and collectors produced from thiocarbamates have shown greater effectiveness compared to xanthate and thiophosphate.


Politechnika Wroclawska Oficyna Wydawnicza


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics







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