Susilowati Eny,Pratiwi Rhesa Zuhriya Briyan,Argestya Ulfa Fauzia
Domestic violence is rising during the pandemic, especially concerning the impact on constructing public opinion regarding the arrangement of women's social roles in the domestic scope (domestication). This research aims to describe the construction of gender relations represented by alternative online media,, and The research method is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques by documentation of texts in the alternative media. The data analysis technique uses Sara Mills' theory about critical discourse. This research's result provides an overview of alternative media perspectives that focus on angles on the subject of the story. Both media deliver a narrative issue with a slightly different ‘sense’ of description. First, and dare to express their disapproval of discrimination among gender. Second, alternative media can break society's stereotypes and actively voice gender equality for men and women.
UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri
General Materials Science
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