The Effectiveness of Google Classroom in Improving Students’ Reading Skill During Pandemic Era


Maesaroh Annisa Nur,Ramadhani Hilda Anika,Fikriyah Linda Zakiyatul,Septiani Putri Eka


There have been many researches that talk about the effectiveness of google classroom in improving students' reading skills during pandemic, but those researches still had many shortcomings so that the results obtained were still doubtful by readers. Therefore, researchers had conducted research with the same issue by paying attention to the validity of the data obtained so that the reader could trust the results of the research. The purpose of this research are to describe the effectiveness of Google Classroom in improving students’ reading skill during pandemic era and to investigate students’ perception of Google Classroom. This research was done in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 03 Cilacap. Data collection was carried out by conducting interviews with English teacher, several students and using questionnaires which held both online and offline.  The data were then analysed in the form of drawing conclusions as the final result. The findings showed that overall the use of Google Classroom is effective in improving students' reading skills, but some obstacles such as signal difficulties still need to be considered.


UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

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