Analysis of the Use of the Edmodo Platform as an Assessment Medium for Assess Reading Comprehension


Berliana Islamiati ,Halla Sofya ,Rohmatul Kurniyanti


The rapid influence of the development of information and communication technology in the current era of globalization cannot be avoided in the world of education. One of them is the development of the Edmodo platform. Edmodo is one of the most important online-based educational platforms in the world of education, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic that can be accessed for free by teachers and students. In implementing the use of technology and applications in learning, many obstacles are experienced including many students who have not fully mastered technology, the lack of student understanding when the lecturer explains the material, especially learning about Reading Comprehension material. The authors chose the Edmodo platform to be the object of media research for assessing reading comprehension tests because it was considered appropriate and quite effective compared to using other platfomrs. Therefore, to find out more, the author made a research that aims to analyze the use of the Edmodo platform as a medium for assessing reading comprehension. This type of research is the method library research. This study uses journals and articles as reference to collecting data. The conclusion from the results of this study is that by using Edmodo as an assessment mode, cheating can be reduced and there is no opportunity for students to see their friends' answers, or it can be said to work on their own tests.


UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

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