Rahmadaniah ,Nur Laila Kadariyah ,Sovia Rahmaniah
To create a lesson plan, teachers have to determine which activities that can build students’ attention and interest in the classroom. In the lesson plan, there is an objective of learning and the assessment that should be appropriate to one another. The researcher conducted this research to know the appropriateness between the objective of learning and the assessment in the English teacher’s lesson plan at Ukhuwah Full Day Integrated Junior High School. This research used a qualitative research and the kind of research is a library research. There were three steps of data analysis, which were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The result of the research was mostly the lesson plans were appropriate between the objective of learning and the assessment, the teacher was using Bloom and Anderson’s taxonomy then tried to link it with the material that would be taught, then made the appropriate assessment by combining some sources.
UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri
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