The Effectiveness of Google Form as A Medium For Assessing Students’ English Learning Outcomes in High School Level


S Khaulah Mar'atush,Afifah Wardah Fika Nur,Indriani Novi,R Alfia Ni’matul,D Noor Fazira Oktavianti


ICT has become an important topic in language education. ICT facilitates foreign language learning can also be used in assessment activities. The application that can be used for assessment is Google Form. The effectiveness of using Google Form as a medium for student assessment in learning English will be discussed in this journal. The aim of this study to determine the effectiveness the use of Google Form as medium assessing students English Learning outcomes of Class XII MAN 2 Banjarnegara. This research applied descriptive qualitative research. The qualitative descriptive is the research that presents the descriptive data of an object observed. The data were collected through concuscting in-depth interviews with research subject, the teachers of 12th grade in MAN 2 Banjarnegara school year 2020/2021. The result obtained is google form as an assessment in 12th grade at MAN 2 Banjarnegara Is quite effective to use because easier for students and teachers during the learning activities. google forms are considered easy to access and also helping the teacher for assessment. In this study it can be concluded that Google Form is effective as a medium for student assessment.


UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

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