Putra Tarekh Febriana,Darmawan Cecep,Anggraeni Leni
Islam as a religion that touches all aspects of life (Siamese) answers all challenges from political developments in modern countries. Political education is an important state instrument in guiding the process of government towards getting better. Therefore, an ideal conception of Islamic political education is needed to help improve democratic life. This research will examine studies that discuss the role of political education based on Islamic thought, to strengthen efforts to describe the state. At the very least, the discussion in this study includes the following matters. First, the development of education politics in modern countries and how Islam deals with it. Second, factual perceptions of politicians and citizens about the country's current democratization. Third, the embodiment of Islamic political education in strengthening democracy. This research study will be carried out according to a qualitative approach with an analytical study method of the literature and research results related to the topic.
UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri
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