This research wants to examine how the potential for zakat infaq and alms (ZIS) can be maximally absorbed by using a digital-based fundraising strategy, namely QRIS (Code Indonesian Standard). BAZNAS Banyumas Regency is present in providing qualified services by maximizing technological developments through QRIS. Because by looking at the positive trend phenomenon of BAZNAS fundraising since 2016-2021. This could be a great potential that must be developed. This research is a field research that is descriptive in nature, that is, the researcher describes and reports a situation related to the events that occurred. Researchers conducted observations, interviews, and documentation of QRIS users, especially the people in Banyumas, which were then collaborated with data from Amil and Muzakki BAZNAS Banyumas district. The results of the study show that BAZNAS in Banyumas Regency seeks to collect, manage and distribute zakat, infaq and alms funds using technology through a digital-based service process, namely QRIS. While the fundraising strategy carried out by BAZNAS Banyumas Regency is to determine the segments and targets of muzakki, prepare human resources, build a communication system, and compile and implement a service system.
UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri
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